
“Asociación Misión Heredad de Jacob” presently owns a rural parcel of land outside the city of Huánuco.

This former farm is envisioned as a place where many more abused Peruvian children, rescued from homelessness, abandonment and other at-risk situations, are temporarily or for long term periods placed in homes that provide Christian family settings, where each child’s physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs are met in the safe and peaceful environment found there. University or technical school educational opportunities are offered so that each beneficiary goes out into society with a vocational ability.

Our model for the Peruvian children's homes is that of community.

The children’s home community will consist of multiple homes, each becoming a family unit with house parents and optimally three to six Peruvian children. We believe this will help the children to sense that they belong to a family and are valued as individuals.

In addition to play areas, gardens, fields, and orchards, our vision includes a House of Prayer center for times of singing and prayer, and to meet as a non-denominational congregation together with neighbors.