
Heritage of Jacob Peru Mission considers every contribution an offering given to God. We take the stewardship of His resources very seriously. 100% of the funds received are used to further our mission, and we endeavor to do so in the most prudent ways possible. Receipts will be sent out for all contributions, and accounting for how funds are used is available upon request.

Transform a community

You may make a recurring contribution using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal account by choosing a monthly donation amount.

Donation options

100% of the funds received are used to further our mission

You may make a one-time contribution using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal account by clicking the Donate button below.


Send to:

Heritage of Jacob Peru Mission

P.O. Box 5

Delta, CO 81416-0005

Bill Pay

By using your bank’s online banking service you can easily send one-time contributions or set up regular monthly donations using the payee information and address shown on the “Checks” section.